How to Keep Your Family Healthy During Cold Season

As the cold season approaches, keeping your family healthy becomes a priority. Children are particularly susceptible to colds, flu, and other upper respiratory infections like sore throat due to their developing immune systems and close contact with peers at school or daycare. Here are some effective strategies to help your family stay healthy during this […]
Six Common Questions About Colds and Flu

Colds and flu are common illnesses that affect many people, especially during the colder months. Here we answer six common questions to help you understand and manage these illnesses better. 1. What is the difference between a cold and the flu? Colds are milder upper respiratory infections usually caused by rhinoviruses1. Symptoms include nasal congestion, […]
How to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

As cold and flu season approaches, it’s important to take steps to stay healthy. By following some simple advice, you can reduce the risk of sinus infections, strep throat, flu, and other illnesses. Here are some tips to avoid getting sick. Practice Good Hand Hygiene Wash Your Hands Regularly: Washing your hands with soap and […]